Thursday 12 March 2015

Evaluation Q5

For my focus group above, I was able to identify and collect insightful feedback from what four individuals thought of my overall magazine product. All four people gave me very helpful feedback in relation to my magazine and the micro features. I was able to gain information about what they thought of the magazine with respect to the genre, the price of the magazine and the general appearance of my magazine and whether it would attract my audience. My whole agenda worked well and this was clearly evident with the focus groups response. They said that it appealed to the audience well especially the front cover and the double page spread, even though there were small features that possibly could have even improved such as the scarce contents page and the contents title. Due to me my vision of getting my magazine appeal to my target audience, I was satisfied that it was recognized by the four members of the focus group. In addition I was thrilled that they thought generally the magazine was pretty decent and that it looked good especially the double page spread where they were quick to note that it looked like a real music magazine article.I knew that the focus group would quickly grasp that it is a hip hop magazine, so I incorporated these features within the final pieces of work. The use of survey monkey was very helpful too as feedback was pretty much similar to that of my focus group. Another key point I got out of the focus group was that they thought the consistency of knowing that it is a hip hop magazine and also not changing the general appearance was heart warming. This was because I made sure that I don't deviate from the target audience and what my competition is. however, a criticism was that I used two different main male characters in my magazine, their thought was to keep only just one person to create more of a convention. With the contents page supposedly being my weakest effort I still wanted to conform to a hip hop magazine which I did and was evident as the answers from the focus group on whether they can tell it was a hip hop magazine was evident, due to the backwards pose and the costume worn which was a black jacket, this pose was imitated by famous rapper Eminem's album cover. Also, they made comments on how scarce the contents page looked, adding that it doesn't conform to a contents page of a well known hip hop magazine. In terms of lighting and the colour scheme used, the major issue raised was that the orange used repetitively was good but that is was very hard to read and could be altered. This I think was a fair point as the readers need to be able to easily comprehend what they read otherwise they will immediately take no interest into what the article has to offer. The costume of the front cover again made it clear to be a hip hop magazine as the focus group pointed out the jewelry seen around the artists neck and the earring. This was intentional as jewelry is a conventional feature and appeals to mt audience. I made note that my magazine was a mere 2.50, some said this was a reasonable price as it is affordable especially as it is a new magazine trying to penetrate the market, however some said they would pay considerably less. Overall, I am happy that my intentions were noticeable. I personally believe that the way in which visualise a product and comment on it is completely different however, having a group of people has the tendency of inflicted opinions to others minds.

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