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Monday 15 September 2014

Powerpoint for my mock magazine

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Evaluating my first coursework task: Preliminary Task Evaluation

For my mock magazine I created a front page of a school magazine which was quite conventional to a typical school magazine. One of my priorities was the ‘masthead’ which is a crucial factor for any magazine; the style for my masthead and font was very conventional obtaining a nice warming and flamboyant font size with a subtle green in accordance to the calming background of a typical school environment. This is something that would be expected to see in a real media product where the use of font is bright, attractive and fun. Reasons for keeping my magazine conventional was due to the fact that the type of audience I am targeting my product to may be disturbed or put off rather by a fairly different style magazine, essentially looking a bit peculiar for a school magazine.

In the creation of my nock magazine, I was targeting an audience of school students, teachers, and parents, so therefore the use of colour mentioned before was very subtle and calming; I used a light green for my masthead which connotes peace and isn’t so flashy for viewers. In addition my cover lines were in black and my main cover line was in white to show an importance to that piece of text; the font size was important, the font wasn’t too bold and in your face essentially making it simple enough to read and understand so that you can gain readers.

I did not use any slang language, I kept to the basics using Standard English due to my target market being parents, and teachers this was crucial because they may not understand slang which will put them off the magazine in whole. Furthermore, my model was a young, ambitious and innocent school boy which generally represents my magazine and appeals to students, teachers and parents. My models costumes was a simple school uniform and the model was sitting on a school bench where in the background was a clean lawn of grass and an archaic tree. I did this so as to represent a calming school environment which a prosperous history which will appeal to my audience at first glance.

After taking my photo, I used adobe Photoshop CS5, where I did all my editing. This was very helpful because here I firstly added some text by selecting the horizontal type tool then went to options at the top right to edit the font style and size which was important for my masthead and my cover lines. Due to my photo already being a medium close up, I didn’t have to use the magnetic lasso tool to crop any part of my imagery or cut out any unpleasant backgrounds.

Strengths & weaknesses of my final product
In conclusion, reviewing on my mock magazine it would be fair to say that there were some key strengths and weaknesses.
Some aspects I was pleased with was imagery itself and the background, I feel the location, setting and model in a whole was a very good display and eye catching and will attract many of my targeted audience.

A key problem I encountered did not know different tools when it came to editing my front page, also my indecisiveness to choosing a suitable font style for my niche magazine. I made sure that got an opinion from someone else which made it easier for me to decide on what font style etc.

Also, my downfalls were the shortage of text made the front page of the magazine look scanty and boring to read; the black font was also a poor feature because on the left hand side you can barely take out what is being said.

In retrospect, I would have added for text to make the magazine look slightly meatier, also the black font I would make sure that it is more visible for readers to see. If I were to repeat the task again I would add more exciting text, a better selling line and an even better image.

My Magazine

I have created a front page for the 'School Affairs' magazine.This is magazine is targeted to students, parents,teachers and all other education enthusiasts. 

                    Front page